It's hard to say good-bye. And not only to trees.
Today I start saying good-bye to CNU.

Monday night we had dinner at Father Scott's - the last time I will be part of it. Tonight will be my last official meeting for Episcopal Campus Ministry at CNU. This afternoon I'm bringing the labyrinth to the Plaza for its final appearance. Next Thursday students will be finishing up exams, and I will sit and pray one more time at the Plaza Prayer Station and then hand out some exam snacks. The first of May will be my last official Sunday at St. Stephen's, though I will be there once more briefly to fill in when Scott is away on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend. Lots of lasts.
I will not miss the commute down I-64 under construction, and I will not miss watching the trees being destroyed. I will not miss the wind trying to knock me down as I carry my sign across campus or the freezing cold temperatures as I huddle in the DSU in winter.

I will miss the students, the prayer station, the beautiful CNU campus, the quiet prayers and in depth conversations, the chocolate croissants at Einstein's, ECM meetings in the chapel, sharing the labyrinth, the Farmer's Market, blessing the semester, the staff members I've come to know, weekly visits to the OSA office, Sunday mornings with the good people of St. Stephen's, the dinners at Father Scott's, the check-ins with the Canterbury Club, highs and lows, the afternoons praying and talking and being present. And did I mention the students? Canterbury students, Thrive students, Cru, UCM, and Lutheran students. Students on the Diversity Council, students in the arts, student athletes, student leaders, students who I only met for 5 minutes, and students who I got to know quite well. So many amazing students whom I will miss.

When the seniors graduate from CNU this year, so do I. I have accepted a position as the Associate Rector for Outreach and Women's Ministries at Bruton Parish Church. It will be a wonderful opportunity for me to expand recovery ministry and meet a whole new church full of amazing people of God and integrate my SpiritWorks ministry with parish ministry. It will also be very cool to serve in the church where I was ordained a deacon. I'm excited.
But first it's time to say good-bye. Am I starting to sound like Emily in Our Town? "Good-bye Grover's Corners..." (Once a theatre major, always a theatre major!)
Good transitions are bittersweet. In order to say hello to the new thing, we have to say good-bye to what we are leaving behind. The seniors will be saying good-bye to CNU as they prepare for the new phase of their journey. Please keep all of us in your prayers as we make this transition.
Although it's hard to say good-bye, the difficulty shows the importance of the relationships. Thank you, God, for this time at CNU and St. Stephen's, and for all the beautiful people you have brought into my life. Bless us and keep us until we meet again.
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