A pleasant breeze blew occasionally, making it cooler than last week. We are planning another Blessing of the Semester service for this coming Sunday. I have invited the other campus ministries to participate, hoping to make it a more ecumenical event. Since we say a prayer at each of the main buildings, I thought representatives from the other ministries could say the prayers. Sadly, I haven't heard back from them. One student who I had reached out to who came to last year's blessing visited me today at the station. I've asked him to offer the prayer for the DSU. I hope he is able to come. He kept calling it the Prayer Walk. I wonder if I should rename it that - seems like that might be a more accessible name. He also asked me about our Twitter handle. Sigh... I try so hard to keep up with social media, but I just haven't gotten the hang of Twitter. I don't get it. But I guess I need to figure it out because that seems to be the place to be at CNU.
A few conversations today, no prayer requests, though one student who had come with a request last year stopped by to tell me that all was well in her world. I had seen her go by a few times this year and had wondered if she would stop by. She passed me today and then came back to give me the update. She gave me a big hug. I said, "Blessings on your semester." She said, "Blessings on you!"
Today I spent time noticing all the different people walking by. All skin colors, hair colors, heights, weights, clothing styles. A few bald heads, someone on crutches, another with a cane for the blind, a third on a scooter. Bicycles, skateboards, shorts, skirts, jeans, boots, sandals, lots of flip flops. Some in a hurry, some strolling along, some hand in hand, others weighed down with heavy items. Most with backpacks. Waves of students in clumps, individuals walking alone. An admissions tour. Smiles and waves, frowns and heads turning away. All God's children. Bless them.
Oh, and you can visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CnuCanterbury
Or our new twitter account: @CNUEpiscopal
Guess I'm learning to tweet!
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