Yesterday was Day 6 of the challenge. Have you ever noticed how when you learn a new word that suddenly you start hearing it over and over? Or when you start talking about a topic, it begins appearing everywhere? Well today I was bombarded with the topic of forgiveness.
The reading over at Fifty Days of Fabulous was titled, "Rifts and Reconciliation," and included a link to the Center for Reconciliation at Duke University. I had never heard of it (I don't think) but a quick visit to the site piqued my curiosity, making me wish I could attend the Summer Institute's seminar on Faith and Trauma. Filed away as a future resource.
Then in Robin Casarjian's Houses of Healing: A Prisoner's Guide to Inner Power and Freedom, I read about mediation that takes place between crime victims and those in the criminal justice system in which the two come together to tell their stories and find healing. It can be very powerful for both people.
Last night I watched the movie, In Our Country, about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa. Very apropos considering the Tutus have sponsored the forgiveness challenge. Hearing about the atrocities even from the distance of viewing a movie still hurts my heart. How much courage it took for the people of South Africa to come forward and tell their stories. No future without forgiveness is what Desmond Tutu says. I suppose that's true for all of us.
In the challenge yesterday, we were asked the question, "What would be the best outcome?" of our forgiving. Reconciliation. Freedom. Peace. Forward movement. Healing. Wholeness. Joy.
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