Monday, January 7, 2019

Star Words for Epiphany

I have never been big on making New Year's resolutions.  Sure, I always want to be kinder, lose 10 pounds, and grow closer to God.  But I have not found that making resolutions helps me do any of those things.  In the past few years, I have adopted a word for the new year.  Usually it comes to me. One year my word was listen.  Another year it was courage.  I think last year it was time.  I wanted to live into the idea that there is enough time.  Not sure that one was very successful.  Basically I ponder that word through the year and seek ways to live into it more fully.

This year I hadn't considered resolutions or words until last week.  I was preparing to preach for two baptisms at First Fridays, and I came across a post about star words.  Now maybe I'd heard of them in passing, but I didn't remember them.  From what I can tell, Presbyterian clergy seem to have started them.  Star Words are given out on Epiphany.  They are words written on a cut out star.  Just as the magi followed a star to find Jesus and brought him gifts, so, too, we seek a closer relationship with the divine.  Our word can be a guiding star during the year, a word to ponder in our hearts as Mary did with all that she saw and heard about Jesus.  It can be a word we live into, that we use to connect us with God, to lead us deeper on our spiritual journey, to guide us into the new year ahead.

As I was journaling about star words, the word endurance popped into my head.  So I wrote it down, thinking that was a good star word.  Sometimes I can get worn out and give up, and it seemed that endurance might be good for me.  Except that it made me a little tired just thinking about it.  Then I moved into a listening to God exercise and the word I got then was gentle.  Seemed at odds with the first word until I spoke with my spiritual director, and we put them together - gentle endurance.

On Friday night I created star words for the First Fridays congregation. We passed them out at the end of my sermon, but I had to wait until after the service to draw mine.  Harmony.  I like that word.  Perhaps gentle + endurance = harmony.  Looking forward to how these words will work on my life in the coming year.

Happy Epiphany, everyone!

What word is choosing you in this new year full of possibility?


  1. I copied this idea from you, and I drew awareness. Definitely something I need to work on.

  2. The word balance is choosing me. Without good balance I do not do anything to the best of my ability… Trying to do everything is not what I need. I need balance.
