God is so good. I find this time of year hard, when the days are so short. I thrive in the warm sun. Ever since Advent last year I have also been struggling with some anxiety/depression that is made worse every time I turn on the news and every time I scroll through Facebook. I despair of there being any wisdom or love in the world when I see over and over how badly we human beings treat each other. And I find that even my to-do list can be overwhelming some days. It has been recommended to me that when I feel one of these anxious "episodes" coming on that I get outside and walk. When I complained to my therapist one day last January that I couldn't take a walk because it might rain, he said, "The worst thing that will happen is that you get wet." I didn't appreciate the comment at the time, but I've come to see his point.
Today was one of those days when I was too whiny to walk. It was chilly and so overcast that it felt like twilight inside my house all day. I had run errands and done some house chores and was starting to move around the house aimlessly while craving sugar. I kept telling myself that I needed to go out and walk. When I went out for the mail, it had started to rain, and I just couldn't bring myself to be out in it. At about 4:20 I looked outside and saw a glimmer of sunlight. Just go, I told myself.

Out I went, bundled up, Ipod in pocket, hood up, scarf wrapped warmly around my neck. As I walked out of my neighborhood, I could hear the sound of raindrops hitting my hood. The air smelled of wet leaves and smoke from a wood fire. As I turned the corner out of my neighborhood, I looked over the trees to the east and saw a rainbow. I started laughing with delight. "Thanks God!" I said out loud. I took out my phone to take a few pictures. The further I went, the brighter the rainbow got. It lasted all the way until I got to the labyrinth. I kept turning to look at it. For awhile there was a double rainbow. The bow went from horizon to horizon, arcing across the sky as the sun sank down.

When I got to the labyrinth, I could see the sun setting in the west and the rainbow in the east. Raindrops continued to fall on my head. I've never walked the labyrinth when there was a rainbow before. I walked on behalf of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry who is in the hospital with a subdural hematoma today. I also walked for a young friend who is having a challenging experience today and for Randy, my old theatre colleague, who lost someone dear to him. I walked for those killed in San Bernadino and for those struggling in Chicago. I prayed for all who are in the darkness. In the center, I offered a blessing to Eastern State Hospital as I often do. Peace. Healing. Wholeness. Compassion and patience for the caregivers. Bless this place as a place of healing.

I know I'm an idealist and probably naive. But the good news of the Gospel tells me that God's going to win in the end. The rainbow is the symbol of God's promise to us. Whenever I see one I'm filled with hope. I don't believe I've seen one in Advent before. It was such a wonderful reminder to me not to give in to despair. It may suck right now in many ways. But that is not the end. There is always hope. Thanks, God.
Lovely. Gave me hope.