Interlochen is best known for music, though I was there working in the theatre department. Located on a lake in Michigan, not far from Traverse City, Interlochen is the home of the World Youth Symphony Orchestra and a camp for the arts where hundreds of young people come each summer to immerse themselves in the study and practice of music, dance, visual arts, and drama. Scattered throughout the trees of the Interlochen campus are tiny wooden cabins used for music practice. As you walk around camp, you hear the sounds of tuning and scales: flutes, oboes, and violins, trumpets, guitars, and clarinets. Bathrooms are just about the only rooms that don't contain a piano. Staff housing is in a dorm with practice rooms in the basement. My first year I got to listen to tuba practice quite often. Tubas are really more interesting when surrounded by the rest of the orchestra. Each morning we woke to Reveille being played to wake the campers and each evening we heard Taps as the camp quietened down for sleep.

Recently I attended a service at St. John's Episcopal Church in Hampton. As the organist began the prelude, I was instantly transformed back to Interlochen. It took me a moment, at first I thought it might be the Widor Toccata, another favorite piece that I had heard during my summers there. But no, this was too gentle, couldn't be the Toccata. In an instant I knew. It was the hymn section of Jupiter. Memories rushed back to me of summers by the lake, canoe trips with the staff, long conversations around fires at the bluff where the faculty lived in small cabins, rehearsals with brilliant young actors, and always, always the music. Memories with a soundtrack. Each Sunday night the World Youth Symphony Orchestra performed in Kresge Auditorium, a covered but open air venue with glass windows behind the stage that overlooked the lake so you could watch the rippling of the water as the orchestra played. Hearing that Jupiter hymn was like being wrapped in a soft blanket of some of my favorite memories. A hug from God.
If you aren't familiar with it, treat yourself to The Planets by Gustav Holst. And when you listen to Jupiter, think of me, and smile with joy.
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