Quarantine #2 started on April 20. After two weeks back at work and trying to resume a relatively normal (though mostly from home) work schedule, I had relapsed with extreme fatigue and shortness of breath. My bishop put me on medical leave, and I finally got tested. From the moment I returned home from the Urgent Care, I remained quarantined for 14 more days. I had fewer symptoms, but the fatigue continued to be debilitating, and again I was grateful for the respite. Who knew just driving ten minutes to the church could be so exhausting? Talking on the phone was a chore. I attended Zoom meetings by lying on my couch with my computer on my belly.
As I saw all the posts of frustrated friends who had cleaned every closet, put together multiple puzzles, redone parts of their homes, or volunteered to help frontline workers or neighbors in need, I felt envious of their energy and activity. I wanted to clean something, but just taking a shower wiped me out.
Now I'm on day 3 of Quarantine #3 due to re-exposure. Fortunately, it seems unlikely that I have re-contracted the virus, and my fatigue a couple of days ago is the familiar long-Covid version, not some new symptom. Although I've had to cancel some things that were important this week, none were urgent, and I'm well enough now that I've been able to use the time. I am finally able to walk a mile - the exact length of the loop my new home is on, and some days, my heart rate doesn't spike! I've been doing some writing and have had multiple lengthy Zoom meetings ranging from vestry to Mission and Outreach to our Sacred Ground Dialogue Circle on Race and Faith. I've read grants on my front porch, eaten lunch on my front porch, and done reading for work on the front porch.Every time I facilitate a group, we open with highs and lows. I had thought my low this week was being re-exposed and having to quarantine again. It turns out, though, that I've gotten more done and still been able to rest when needed, and of course the dogs and cats are delighted! Most importantly I'm so glad I voted early.
I certainly hope that we will soon create a safe vaccine that works. And that we are able to eliminate this virus and stop it from causing death and destruction. In the meantime, I'm grateful beyond words to have some beautiful fall days where I can work from my porch, take walks, and continue to heal. Maybe this time, I'll get Quarantine right, and I won't be sent back to do it again!