Between the weather and prior commitments, very few people made it out, but those who did were rewarded with a very special walk. We were walking for peace. As I walked, I breathed in peace and breathed out love, and the lyrics of "Prayer for Peace" came into my head:
Peace before us, peace behind us,
peace under our feet.
Peace within us, peace over us,
let all around us be peace.
I prayed for peace in the Middle East and Syria and North Korea and for the President of the U.S. I prayed for peace for all those who are using drugs in an attempt to find peace. I prayed for peace for the residents and caregivers at Eastern State Hospital. I prayed for peace for our country and the world. I prayed for the Navajo people and the water protectors.
As I walked I saw mockingbirds and robins, blue birds and crows. The waning moon ducked in and out of clouds wisps. About halfway through the walk, A mass of clouds passed quickly over our heads, and I thought I felt a drop of rain. The light of the sinking sun turned them golden/orange. I wondered if we were going to have a little rain shower.
The rainbow is such a symbol of hope. Walking the labyrinth on this world labyrinth day and seeing the bow of many colors arching over us, I felt peace washing through me. Thanks, God, for the reminder of who is in charge. Thanks for turning the walk for peace into the walk of hope.