A couple of years ago I decided to fight the winter blues in a few ways. One is with a happy light that I start sitting with in September. Another is my miracle vitamin drink that helps lift my energy. And finally I have been trying to find the good things about winter. Instead of feeling sad because the brightly colored leaves are falling off the trees and won't return until spring, I feel grateful that it's easier to see the sky. The sun also shines through my windows in the winter time and casts a golden glow that tree leaves block in the summer. I wear my big sweaters and sweatshirts and bundle up in flannel. I rejoice that my kitties will sit in my lap, even though its not because they really want to cuddle but because they are cold. All these are things I can be grateful for in winter, and they have helped me change my attitude a bit.
Until this year. The winter that wouldn't let go. Tuesday was the last straw. After canceling my student group at CNU on multiple Tuesday nights, I was determined to go down even though it was quite frightening to drive through the blinding snow on I-64 to Newport News. Just two days before I had been picking up cigarette butts in 70 degree weather and short sleeves, and now there was a dusting of snow on the ground. Argh!! I wanted to scream. I wanted someone to blame.
Something happened, though, as I sat in our group learning about praying with icons. Big, fat, fluffy flakes drifted down outside the windows of the CNU chapel as we listened to chanting and gazed at icons in candlelight. We were warm and cozy and the snow wasn't hurting us. And though the drive home was stressful as the precipitation changed from rain to freezing rain to wintry mix and back to snow, by the time I got home, the most beautiful snowflakes were falling. I got out of my car and walked to the mailbox. The fat, wet flakes swirled and blew, landing in my hair and on my scarf. As the light of the streetlamps reflected off the dancing flakes, I felt like I was walking in a snow globe. It was the prettiest snow of the year. I stayed outside for awhile, watching it swirl and blow, feeling the cold wet flakes on my face, smiling with delight. I hate winter, but I've always love to watch snow fall. And with all the snow we've had this year, it's either been late at night or when I was inside and couldn't watch.
Thanks, winter, for giving me a walk in the snow globe. If it's all the same to you, I hope that it will be your last gift this year.