If you're ever traveling down I-20 through South Carolina, do yourself a favor and don't resist - make a stop in Bishopville at Pearl Fryar's topiary garden. There's not a lot to see along that stretch of highway, and it will add delight to your trip. It won't cost you a thing, unless you choose to make a donation. If you're lucky, Pearl himself will be there to welcome you and show you around his yard of marvelous topiaries and whimsical sculptures.
Pearl began his garden with the goal of winning the Yard of the Month award. He had a 3-minute lesson from a man at the local nursery and went to work creating a fairyland of shaped shrubbery. In his words, "I like to cut bushes." Pearl says that academics were not his favorite thing, but he had a gift for cutting bushes, and he has used that gift well. Pearl's story has been featured in the movie, "A Man Named Pearl."
I was heading with a friend to her family reunion in Augusta, GA on a warm morning in July when we reluctantly turned off the interstate. We had decided we would arrive before it opened and then take a quick look so we could say we had been there and then get back on the road. Little did we know when we set off that morning that we would have a life-changing experience meeting Pearl Fryar and seeing his work.
The topiaries were amazing. It's hard to capture them on film though if you visit Pearl's website, you'll see some great pictures. Amongst the artfully trimmed shrubs and trees were "junk sculptures" also made by Pearl. In one section spelled out in red begonias were the words, "Peace, love, and good will." And those are the things Pearl spreads with his passion for trimming bushes.
Pearl uses donations to his garden to grant scholarships to "C" students who will be attending junior or community colleges. He wants to inspire students who may not have academic strengths to pursue their creative dreams. You can read more about his scholarship program here.